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New too raw? Start here!

Why to Feed Raw?

Carnivores were designed by nature to be self-maintaining. In the wild, the Grey Wolf and the Wild Cat have the biology to nourish and heal their bodies with what is available to them. We may have domesticated these creatures over time, but we do not need to humanise them. Feeding your animal a raw diet provides them with an abundance of bioavailable nutrients that their bodies are designed to effectively digest and thrive on.

Some of the benefits associated with raw feeding:
Cleaner teeth, better breath
Less poop
Healthy skin and coat
Reduced inflammation
Calmer temperament
Stable digestive system
Stronger immune system 

Most common health conditions can be linked to diets of highly processed commercial food, many of which are high in carbohydrates and low in quality proteins. 

(Acknowledgement to the Pet Grocer who assist us with their valuable knowledge and information.)


We recommend transitioning to ALL our customers, including those who are currently feeding raw.

Dogs and Cats stomachs can be sensitive to a change, to prevent any upset stomaches we recommend transitioning over a 7 day period by slowly introducing raw. If your dog has any loose stalls reduce the amount of raw but keep slowly transitioning.

Our recipes are made with premium and fresh ingredients. As are meat processors ourself, we only use whole carcass including the primal cuts of meats which are passed by our meat inspector. As the product is so pure with no fillers, additives or preservatives transition is vital to prevent an upset stomach.

How much raw food should I be feeding my dog?

We recommend feeding 2.5/3% to maintain your dogs current body weight. Please keep in mind, dogs with high activity levels may need additional food.

For example, a 20kg dog with moderate activity levels will be fed 500g in a day (split into two meals)/ 3.5kg in a week. 

Please note puppies need much more than 3%, contact us and we can help calculate how much they need as this calculation is dependent on how many weeks old & weight. 

What is a BARF Meal?

B.A.R.F. stands for 'Biological Appropriate Raw Food' or 'Bones and Raw Food'. The diet is a model worked off the ratios of 70% Protein, 10% Offal, 10% Edible Bone and 10% Fruit and Veg. BARF meals supports the evolution of the dogs digestive system to digest high protein meals with vitamins and minerals from the offal, veg and bone. 

We recommend our BARF meals for dogs of all sizes!

What is a PREY/ PMR Meal?

PREY or 'Prey Model Raw' is similar to our BARF model, however does not include any fruit or vegetable content. This model is worked off the ratio of 80% Protein, 10% Offal and 10% Edible Bone.

We recommend the PMR model to cats, fussy dogs or for people who wish to control the intake of vegetables and fruits themselves. 

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